The Gemini RM

Pre-order Regular price $2,849.95

Which Twin is Right for You?


Gemini RM

Summary – We offer two versions of our shortest sea-kayak model, which is 14'10" or 452cm long. The first model is called SP (sports play) and it is designed for rock-hopping, surfing, and rough water kayaking. It has increased rocker and more bow volume to provide better performance in these conditions. The second model is called ST (sports touring), and it is designed to be faster on less challenging water. Despite being shorter than many 16' kayaks, it uses its reduced weight advantage to make it easier to manage both on and off the water.

Before developing the Gemini kayaks, the designers wanted to understand what people were looking for in shorter kayaks. They discovered two groups of people: those who wanted a shorter kayak that was significantly lighter and easier to manage, while still performing like a long boat on the water, and those who believed sacrificing length would make the kayak more fun in surf-zones, tideraces, and for rock-hopping. To address these differing needs, they created "Project Gemini," a unique design approach that created two models using a core DNA, a mid-point design that could then be tuned in one direction to create the perfect touring model and in the other to create a play version. They coupled this design approach with cutting-edge infused composite constructions to create the most exciting development to hit sea-kayaking in recent years.

Both the SP and ST share the same mid-section, which provides a consistent cockpit fit and shallow 'V' hull stability. If they had created a "Jack-of-All-Trades" 14-foot kayak, it would have been a compromise. The SP's bow is wider and has more volume to prevent pearling while surfing, while the ST's front is narrower, with a finer bow entry, to increase speed in more placid conditions. The SP has more rocker to increase maneuverability, while the ST has less to promote tracking and maximize waterline length. Even the flair from the hull's chine area to the seam-line differs, with the SP having slightly more to increase secondary stability and overall width, while the ST's sides are more vertical, giving a slightly narrower water-line to increase hull speed.

In short, if you primarily tour in relatively placid conditions and want a light, easy-to-transport kayak that has the same speed as many 16+ foot kayaks, choose the ST. If you want a shorter kayak that is fun in rough conditions or maneuverable around rocky coves and headlands, choose the SP. Of course, you can still play in the touring version and tour in the play version because they share the same core DNA. So there is still some overlap, but the further you get to the ends of the intended user spectrum, the more you'll benefit from choosing the specialist kayak and the more you'll enjoy your paddling, knowing you are in the 'right' kayak.


Composite Fitted Options - Priced extra

  • Special Position Bulkhead
  • Silva 70 P Compass fitted
  • Extra R.D. Fittings 
  • Towing Cleat/Bullseye fitted
  • Bow and Stern Steering on Aleuts
  • D Ring fitted to hull or deck inside
  • Clear Hulls/Alpha Jewels/Fades/Racing Stripes
  • Outside Keel Strip - Singles
  • Outside Keel Strip - Aleut


Terms of Sale

  • $500 deposit payment is required to reserve a slot.
  • 50% - $500 is due when the kayak is put in production. The balance is due in full on delivery/collection. See our refund policy for custom kayaks.
  • Prices exclude GST
  • Shipping costs from the factory to Hamilton including insurance and brokerage charges will be charged at cost.
    • Shipping costs are approx $200 on most shipments.
  • Kayak Ontario will store kayaks free of charge for 14 days from delivery after which a storage fee of $50 per kayak per month will be charged.